Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva - RIGD (Intercontinental Journal of Sport Management) ISSN 2237-3373

Original Article

Public Financing of Brazilian Sport by Federal Lotteries in The Governments Lula and Dilma

Fernando Henrique Silva Carneiro, Pedro Fernando Avalone Athayde, Fernando Mascarenhas

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The objective of the article was to analyze the Brazilian public sports financing by federal lotteries in the Lula and Dilma governments. It has a quantitative and qualitative character, used documentary survey, data analysis was based on three indicators - sources of funding, the magnitude of spending, and direction of spending - and the period analyzed was from 2004 to 2015. Lottery resources for sports are based In budgetary and extra-budgetary sources, the first refers to the funds received by the Ministry of Sports and the second to those received by the Brazilian Olympic Committee, the Brazilian Paralympic Committee, the Brazilian Club Committee, and the football clubs. During the period there was an increase in lottery resources for the sport, and new lotteries aimed at the sector were created. Lottery spending was prioritized for High Yield Sports, and the Lula and Dilma governments were strongly involved in increasing lottery resources.



Public policy, Sport financing, Federal lotteries, Governments Lula and Dilma


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